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Friday, July 31, 2009

Jan Krzysztof WINNICKI, „Foreign Population in Egypt in the 1st Millennium BC

JJP Supplement volume 12
Jan Krzysztof Winnicki, „Foreign Population in Egypt in the 1st Millennium
BC“, Warsaw 2009, Hardcover, XX + 645 pages, 1 figure, price: 80 euro

The author researches immigration and presence of foreign ethnics on the
Nile valley in the 1st millennium BC. The study concentrates on ethnic
groups originating from Egypt's direct vicinity (e.g. Libyans and Nubians).
The aim of the book is to describe their place within the social and
political frame of the Egyptian society in the Late Pharaonic and Ptolemaic

Thanks to Dr. Tomasz Markiewicz for this reference.