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Monday, August 22, 2011

Herbert Verreth, Toponyms in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts from the 8th century BC till the 5th century AD (Trismegistos Online Publications, 5), Leuven, 2011 (719 p.).

Herbert Verreth,
Toponyms in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts from the 8th century BC till the 5th century AD
(Trismegistos Online Publications, 5),
 Leuven, 2011 (719 p.).

Blurb by Mark Depauw
In the tradition of Calderini and Daris's Dizionario dei nomi geographici e topografici, this work offers a survey of all toponyms occurring in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts from Egypt. For every toponym a basic identification and some bibliographical information is given, together with the references to all the texts (both documentary and literary) where the toponym occurs. For the moment 262 Abnormal Hieratic references are listed for 24 different places, and 12.672 Demotic references for 1098 different toponyms. For every attestation the name of the toponym is given as it occurs in the source, with a translation of its immediate context. To limit the number of pages, not all the available information has been copied in this printed volume, but further bibliography and additional remarks are accessible in the Trismegistos online database itself.
A great help compiling these data was the (unpublished) master dissertation of Katelijn Vandorpe, Egyptische geografische elementen in Griekse transcriptie [Egyptian geographical elements in Greek transcription] (1988), which is now also available as a pdf at http://www.trismegistos.org/top.php.

Table of contents
Introduction ... 6
Searching for toponyms in Trismegistos online .. 18
The sigla for the Egyptian nomes in the following lists ... 23
Toponyms mentioned in Abnormal Hieratic texts Geographical distribution of the Abnormal Hieratic texts ... 24
Geographical distribution of the toponyms in Abnormal Hieratic texts ... 26
Alphabetical survey of the toponyms in Abnormal Hieratic texts ... 27
Toponyms mentioned in Demotic texts Geographical distribution of the Demotic texts ... 42
Geographical distribution of the toponyms in Demotic texts ... 51
Alphabetical survey of the toponyms in Demotic texts ... 72
Survey of the most important constituent elements of the toponyms Adjectival forms ... 688
Districts, regions and countries ... 690
Divine names in toponyms ... 692
Geographical elements in toponyms ... 699