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Monday, January 06, 2014

Culpa. Facets of Liability in Ancient Legal Theory and Practice (JJurP Suppl. 19)

Culpa. Facets of Liability in Ancient Legal Theory and Practice
Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Warsaw 17–19 February 2011, Warsaw 2012, ISBN 978–83–925919–7–9

Noteworthy for papyrologists:
José Luis Alonso, 
Fault, strict liability and risk in the law of the papyri 

Giovanna Daniela Merola, 
Accertamento della responsabilità e mantenimento dell’ordine: il ruolo del centurione 159

Jakub Urbanik , 
Dilligent carpenters in Dioscoros’ papyri and the Justinianic (?)  standard of diligence. On P. Cairo Masp. ii 67158 and 67159 273